Shipping Policy
Most packages are shipped from China and it's a long way to arrive at the customer's destination, some packages may be damaged during delivery.
We will offer full refund or a new replacement for package has been damaged during delivery.
We do not recommend customer to return the item because it`s drop shipping, and the cost of shipping back the item may be even higher than the value of the product itself.
Refund cannot be accepted if we have sent the correct product to customer in good condition, and as described.
Packages that shipped from USA can be returned to our local warehouse but your customers will have to pay for the shipping fees, we will also offer full refund when the return product has not been used or damaged.
Some packages may also have customs clearance problems and can not be delivered to the destination because certain countrie's customs policy.
We will try to help you to solve customs clearance problem but not resend a new package again because it will not arrive either.